GROUP/4 - Project progress_NOV 9.
Initial month activities
We had the privilege of meeting Luca, who experiences a disability characterized by the absence of her left arm from the elbow down. During our interaction, she demonstrated her methods of managing everyday objects, elucidating the challenges she encounters and the strategies she employs to overcome them. Additionally, we gained insights into her daily activities.
3D Printing
Using a 3D printer might seem a bit complex at first, but changing the filament and starting the printing process is straightforward. The important part is figuring out the right settings in the slicer program for the Craftbot machine and the specific object. PLA, which breaks down in industrial compost within 12 weeks, is relatively cheap for printing objects, making it a good fit for prosthetics that need to serve a particular purpose.
Disability Workshop
As part of the participation in a workshop focused on disabilities, we attended a presentation by an educator specializing in children facing socio-economic disadvantages or physical and intellectual limitations. The students were surrounded by various specialized tools to aid their communication and creativity.
It was enlightening to get a glimpse into their daily lives, and we got hands-on experience with the tools. Unfortunately, the objects are quite basic overall, making it challenging to tailor them precisely to each individual’s needs. The lecture was inspiring and got us thinking about the importance of designers addressing these issues to enhance the practicality of these objects in real-life situations.
The most intriguing aspects for us were related to creation and creativity. What resonated deeply was that some students can only experience the sensation of drawing and cutting, but, unfortunately, they can’t do it independently.
This semester, we are enrolled in an English-language course where we engage in interdisciplinary collaboration within a team. The primary goal of the course is to develop a tool aimed at enhancing the daily life and workdays of an individual with limb deficiency. We find the experience invigorating as it allows us to explore novel perspectives, collaborate effectively in a team setting, and approach the use of tools from a diverse and innovative standpoint. We are a group of students from the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design all brought together by a collective interest in exploring on the fields of non-bionormative design.
Karolina Ferencz, Fashion Design MA/1
Márton Lengyel, Design MA/1
Veronika Németh, Fashion Design MA/1
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