Co-Ability doctoral research was selected to take part in the D.Doc case studies
D.Doc Erasmus+ strategic partners (Loughborough University, Aalto University, Middle East Technical University, Sapienza University) ) exploit the existing but largely inaccessible breadth and depth of information relating to the design doctorate. Fourteen Research through Design Case Studies (HERE) with abstract, summary PDF with link to thesis and video interview with researcher (HERE) to explore motivations, challenges and highlights of the doctoral journey.
Overview of the 2022/23 doctoral landscape in EU of 943 on-going doctorates in 173 institutions offering doctorates in design.
Research through Design
Contributors of case studies are an opportunity to provide more in-depth insights into design research. Topics covered in the selected 14 interview were devised to explore issues such as their motivation to study at a particular institution and why they chose a particular type of doctorate, such as Research through Design.

Making reading easier with BioMods
DevelopmentMaking reading easier with BioModsIn a recent interview with Luca we…
Team Four / November Report
experimentingIdeation and DirectionsDuring the project, we learned a lot from Luca, who responded…
Group Two / November Report
Group Two / November Report Research We started November with a brief research on…
Group One / First approach, discovery
Group One1st postGroup One / First approach, discovery - “When something is not in the norm…
Group Two / October Report
Group Two Is On Board! 09.29 The Group Two is a group formation for the Exploring Non-Bionormative…
Alchemy of Knowledge: Transdisciplinary entanglements of Artificial Biology, Robotics, and Art
ABRA Exhibition 2023 Daniel Szalai – Algorithmic Alchemy of…