The Umwelt Academy consists of a summer residency hosting artists, scientists and students, and an open air exhibition of transdisciplinary multimedial artworks.

The artworks created and exhibited at Umwelt carry the role of visualising the current course of humanity, promoting a future path for a good, more equal, fair and sustainable society. Umwelt acts as a foundation for developing and disseminating critical while also positive-future oriented narratives.

Umwelt is a place for experimental collaborations in art and science narrating the course of humanity.

More specific you can reed HERE!

This international exhibition of art & science set in a national park of the Balaton region, shows multimedial art installations and performances that visualise the course of humanity by using elements of biology, genetics, physics and social sciences.

The exhibition contains works of scientific research presented through art, where art leads to discoveries in science, and works that seek answers to critical questions through the sciences.

The exhibition creates a picture of the diversity of human activities – it intervenes with our view of the contemporary world.

“Monuments of Impermanence”Umwelt Exhibition 2022July 2, 2022 – May 31, 2023

The open-air art & science exhibition titled Monuments of Impermanence is a tribute to acts of humankind in nature. The artworks narrate the course of humanity through everyday lives of a local community and through profoundly challenging and sustainable future-oriented questions around ethics of animal farming, equality and hierarchy, and perceptions of the human body.

The exhibition translates the idea of sustainability as a path we walk rather than a utopian destination.

Acts of co-creation with nature and fellow beings, ability to co-exist and enhance the surrounding environment are the contemporary notions that constitute environmental and social sustainability. This way of seeing sustainability biomimics nature – multiple beings simultaneously perceiving and stimulating their environment and thus each species experiencing their entirely own worlds – Umwelten (Uexküll).

All species are subjects to change imposed by the laws of physics, and also, creativity. Humans in particular enjoy tinkering with matter, leading to some un-welcomed effects of the anthropocene – the climate change. The umwelt of humankind has altered the worlds of all species. Impermanence defines life and nature, what is born and what is made disappears eventually, at different speeds and in changing forms. Impermanence also offers us a lesson from nature – by reading and perceiving our surrounding environments we can create a better, inclusive and more fair and sustainable future.

Program 2022

June 21 – Jul 2

Mindenki Asztala

June 21, invitations only

Undisclosed location


Umwelt Opening community dining performance by Simona Koch and Lilla von Puttkamer with participation of SzentGyörgy-hegy community of wine makers, project volunteers and the Umwelt 2022 artists.

Art&Science Talks

June 25 – 26, open to public

Kisapati Kultúr Ház (streamed online)



Exhibition Opening

July 2, open to public

Kisapati Kultúr Ház


  • Welcome to Umwelt and exhibition “Monuments of Impermanence” by Dr. Karina Vissonova, founder of ADES and host of Umwelt Art&Science Summer Academy.

  • Exhibition introduction by Curator Krisztián Kukla (Art Quarter Budapest).

  • Veszprém – Balaton Capital of Culture 2023 by …

  • Welcome to Kisapati by Mayor of Kisapáti village.

  • Contemporary Art performance by …

  • Glass of wine and snacks.

  • Guided tours of the art installations.