Renata Dezso's journey through industrial design, media design, artistic practices in the virtual and analogue world, digital crafts, and academic experiences has provided her with an extensive toolbox of methods and techniques for design and research. She explores the interplay between digital and analogue design processes, uncovering the interwoven reality from various perspectives.
2016-2022 Doctor of Liberal Arts (DLA), Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest (MOME) Doctoral School
1998-2003 Masters in Industrial Design, Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest (MOME), Department of Design
Title of Thesis for Most Advanced Degree:
“co-Ability | Aligned Arguments for the Dissolution of a Human ‘Centre'”
2023 Senior Research Fellow at MOME
2023 Research Fellow at MOME
2022-2023 Program Lead at MOME for Consortium Membership in ABRAx Erasmus+ Erasmus Mundus Design Measures
2020-2022 Head of Object Design BA Program at MOME
2020-2021 Head of Jewellery and Metal Design MA Program at MOME
2017-2020 Assistant Lecturer at MOME
2016 Invited Lecturer at MOME
2016-2019 Educator & Researcher at MOME Digital Craft Lab
2016-2018 Educator & Researcher at MOME Transfer Lab
2013-2017 Freedee Printing Solutions | Industrial Designer, 3D Printing Specialist
2014 Acetánia – Vinegar Museum | Exhibition Space Project Designer
2011-2012 Sterling Contemporary Jewelry Gallery, Art Communication
2010-2011 Defo Lab Budapest, Designer
2008-2010 Daniele Bogiatto Company (Italy), Art Director
2006-2007 IF Design (Italy), Naval Design and CAD Specialist
2005-2007 Riforma – Weekly Newspaper (Italy), Illustrator
2022 GILLO DORFLES AWARD at the fourteenth International Design Contest Trieste Contemporanea BASICS for the best project (Link)
2021 Grant from the National Cultural Fund of Hungary for the development of a glass collection
2019-2020 New National Excellence Program Scholarship (ÚNKP)
2019-2020 Die Aktion Österreich-Ungarn, Wissenschafts- und Erziehungskooperation 101öu14 Knowledge Sharing Program in the realm of co-Ability Research Founding
2019 Emerging Scholar Award from the Common Ground Research Network at the Fifteenth International Conference on Technology, Knowledge & Society (Link)
2018-2019 New National Excellence Program Scholarship (ÚNKP)
2016-2020 Doctoral Government Fellowship
2017-2018 Grant from the National Cultural Fund of Hungary (NKA) at MOME, managing organizer for MOME and the University of Applied Arts Vienna
2018 Grant from the National Cultural Fund of Hungary (NKA) for 3D printing
2018-2019 Grant from the National Cultural Fund of Hungary (NKA) at MOME, project lead of an international exchange program between MOME and KU Leuven University, focusing on the ANTHROPOLOGY OF DISABILITY RESEARCH LINE
2002 Erasmus scholarship at Universität Duisburg-Essen, Standort Essen, Germany
2024 PERSPECTIVE article at Frontiers Hum. Dyn., Sec. Digital Impacts
Volume 6 – 2024 |
Co-Ability and embodied data: blurring the lines between human and nonhuman entities in an interconnected world
2024 Speaker (EN) 2024 Design Research Symposium, School of Design at Edinburgh College of Art at the University of Edinburgh
2024 Speaker (H) at the Museum of Applied Arts Scientific Forum, titled 3D Digitalization in Contemporary Applied Art Object Creation and Higher Education in Applied Arts’
2023 Speaker (EN) at the Data-Centric Design Symposium, TU Delft, organized by the Data-Centric Design Lab of TU Delft Industrial Design Engineering in collaboration with TU Eindhoven Industrial Design, Cardiff University School of Computer Science and Informatics, and TU Chemnitz Chair Media Informatics.
2023 Speaker (EN) and full-paper contributor, chair for Track 6, “Experiential knowledge and the role of prototypes in design research,” at the International Conference 2023 of the DRS Special Interest Group on Experiential Knowledge (EKSIG), hosted by the Department of Design, Politecnico di Milano, Italy. (Proceedings: Link)
2023 Speaker (EN) at the 9th Science & Technology Studies (STS) Italia Conference, organized by the Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies in collaboration with the Department of Philosophy and Communication and the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna.
2023 Speaker (EN) at NERD Take Five – New Experimental Research in Design, organized by Berlin Open Lab, Berlin University of the Arts.
2020 Journal article titled “Co-designing for inclusion in international/interdisciplinary teams” published in the International Journal of Education Through Art, Volume 16, Number 2, June 1, 2020, pages 177-196. Publisher: Intellect. DOI: Link
2019 Book article (H) titled “A gondoskodó tervezés és gyakorlati reflexiók” published in Szabálytalan Kontúrok, ELTE Bárczi Gusztáv Gyógypedagógiai Kar, pp. 154–166. ISBN: 9789637155888.
2019 Book article (H) titled “Co-design – Oktatási programsorozat a gondoskodó tervezés jegyében” published in EGYÜTT OKTATUNK ÉS KUTATUNK! INKLUZÍV MEGKÖZELÍTÉS A FELSŐOKTATÁSBAN, Budapest: Bárczi Gusztáv Gyógypedagógiai Kar, pages 195–205.
2019 Speaker (EN) and full-paper contributor at the 8th biannual Nordic Design Research Society (NORDES) conference, Aalto University, Finland. (Link)
2019 Speaker (EN) at the Design Culture & Somaesthetics Conference Budapest.
2019 Speaker (EN) at the Fifteenth International Conference on Technology, Knowledge & Society, CosmoCaixa Barcelona, Spain.
2019 Speaker (EN) at the Thirteenth International Conference on Design Principles & Practices, St. Petersburg University, Mikhailovskaya Dacha Campus.
2018 Invited moderator (H) at the 6th Disability Studies Conference “DIVERSITY AS A SOCIAL VALUE?” held at ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.
2018 Speaker (EN) at D’Art: Teaching Artistic Research Conference, Vienna.
2018 Speaker (EN) at the CFP International Conference, Somaesthetics: Between the Human Body and Beyond, Szeged, Hungary.
2017 Speaker (H) at the 5th Disability Studies Conference at Eötvös Loránd University in the framework of the 14th Festival of Hungarian Science, sponsored by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences alongside seven Fulbright alumni presenters. ISBN: 978-963-7155-72-7.
2024 co-lecturer with Elizabeth Jochum from Aalborg University and Kalman Tarr from MOME for Reflective Robotics and Connectivity.
2022-2023 Program Lead at MOME for Consortium membership in ABRAx Erasmus+ Erasmus Mundus Design Measures, focusing on Complex and Adaptive Systems Across Robotics, Biology, Art, and Design.
2022 Erasmus+ Staff mobility for Teaching at Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem.
2020 co-lecturer at the DesignFiction Workshop organized by MOME Design Institute and MOME Theoretical Studies Institute, collaborating with Jozsef Tillmann, Akos Schneider, Zsolt Miklosvölgyi, Villo Turcsany, and Edit Blaumann.
2020 Supervised master’s student James Carcass on the project “FUTUREFACE.”
2020 Conducted a Clay 3D printing workshop at MOME Digital Lab.
2019 Delivered a Guest Lecture at dieAngewandte University on the topic: “Critical Theory throughout Design, Art+Science, and Disability Studies” (Link).
2019 co-lecturer and course coordinator for interdisciplinary and international cooperation between MOME and dieAngewandte University.
2019 Taught and coordinated the course “Data Physicalisation” or “Physical Visualisation” in Digital Crafting at MOME Digital Lab, covering 3D scanning, Mesh Modelling, and 3D printing.
2018 Taught and coordinated the course “Microworld Structures” at MOME.
2018 Supervised master’s student Annabori Lanyi on the project “PlayBALL.”
2018 co-lecturer and course coordinator for the Knowledge Sharing Exchange Program between MOME and dieAngewandte University, with invited lecturers including Fanni Csernatony and Ruth MATEUS-BERR ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. art. Dr Phil.
2017 co-lecturer and course coordinator with Fanni Csernatony and Balint Veres PhD Habil., Managing director at MOME Doctoral School, for the “Design For Care” course at MOME, Budapest, and conducted a Hack for Care workshop.
2017-2022 Taught, coordinated courses, and conducted research in 3D modeling at MOME.
2016-2020 Taught, coordinated courses, and conducted research in 2D modeling and laser cutting through mask making at MOME.
2023 Participated in the ABRAx Erasmus+ Erasmus Mundus Design Measures Consortium Meeting on Complex and Adaptive Systems Across Robotics, Biology, Art, and Design at the University of Trento School of Innovation.
2023 Attended the ABRA symposium titled “What Transdisciplinary Knowledge Looks Like” at Aalto University.
2022 Participated as a workshop participant in the Artificial Biology, Robotics, and Art (ABRA) Workshop Series hosted by Aalborg University, Aalto University, Trento University, and the Institute of Advanced Design Studies (ADES). Link to ABRA Hub
2022 Served as an Invited Artist at the Umwelt Art&Science International Summer Academy held at Szent-György Hegy, Balaton (Hungary).
2022 Engaged in Erasmus+ Staff mobility, participating in the Multiplier event of the INNO-TEC-LAB project at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki.
2021 Contributed as a Practitioner at the EU Craft Hub: Maker Exchange Residencies virtual residency.
2021 Participated in an Erasmus+ mobility program, serving as a visitor at the GLASS SYMPOSIUM ANNÍN.
2020 Attended the NORDES Summer School 2020 themed “COLLECTIVES: Designing beyond the Individual.” (NORDES Summer School link)
2020 Participated in the RtD in Situ workshop, engaging in discussions about the Domains and Impact of Design Research in conjunction with DIS 2020.
2020 Participated in a workshop at the DIS conference titled “Designing for the End of Life of IoT Objects” at the University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom. (End of Life IoT Objects workshop link)
2019 Engaged in Erasmus+ mobility for proposal preparation for European cooperation in science and technology at ELISAVA Barcelona. (Proposal reference: OC-2019-1-23717)
2019 Participated in an Erasmus+ mobility program, attending the Consortium Meeting Agenda Innovative Training Networks (ITN) MARIE Skłodowska-CURIE ACTIONS founding proposal at KU Leuven.
2017 Participated in “Becoming Disabled: A Performative Workshop and Installation” organized by Camino Events at the Research Pavilion, Venice, from June 30th to July 1st.
2003-2009 Gained work experiences while living in Torino, Italy.
2023 international group exhibition titled “Alchemy of Knowledge: Transdisciplinary Entanglements of Artificial Biology, Robotics, and Art” at aqb Project Space, Budapest.
2023 Exhibited at Art Market Budapest on the Kiskép Galéria stand G1104, showcasing glass vases titled “The Chiaroscuro Chew.”
2023 national group exhibition, 5th Glass Spring Glass Exhibition in Budapest.
2022 international group exhibition, “ABRA: Radical Speculations – Artificial Biology and Robotics Meet Art and Architecture,” at Dipoli Gallery, Aalto University, Helsinki.
2022 international openair group exhibition titled “Monuments to Impermanence” at Mount Saint George (Szent György-hegy), organized by Umwelt Art&Science Summer Academy.
2022 international group exhibition series titled “Shaping – Year of Glass” (Hungary, Romania).
2022 national group exhibition “HOMAGE A’ GLASS” at De la Motte-Beér Palota.
2022 national group exhibition “4th GlasSpring” at Klebelsberg Kultúrkúria.
2022 Displayed work in the International Art Education Achievement Exhibition of Teachers & Students at Gengdan Institute of Beijing University of Technology.
2020 international group exhibition, “co-ABILITY Design Practices: Matter and Mind in Disability,” at the Austrian Cultural Forum Budapest.
2018 Organized at the Tallinn DesignWeek group exhibition, “Digital Crafting with MOME Transfer Lab.”
2012 international group exhibition, “Schmuck DE.” in Munich, presenting “What is in Frame?” alongside Gisbert Sach and Lőrincz Réka (contemporary jewelry) and Dezső Renáta (3D projection mapping).
2012 national group exhibition, “10 Contemporary Jewelry Artists + 10 Visual Artists = 10 Objects,” at Filter Gallery.
2011 Contributed to international group exhibitions, including video mapping with Bordos Artworks Republic Square in Yerevan at Armenia’s Independence Day and at the Art Museum of Timisoara.
2011 international exhibition for the VLS Video Mapping Trophy in Paris at Heavent Centrum, being a finalist in the projection mapping segment.